Weekly Blog 2

  •   How would the Dual Coding Theory change how you create PowerPoint presentations?

According to Dual Coding Theory, humans process information in two different ways – visually and verbally. So when it comes to giving a PowerPoint presentation, to best make it a powerful presentation, the creator should consider using images and videos when discussing his presentation content. This way maximizes students learning potentials.

  • Why are we talking about the concept of Flow in a class about online and multimedia learning?

The concept of Flow can be used relating to online and multimedia learning because when students are guided to get to the state of Flow by the instructor, they learn much more efficiently. For example, the teacher can find tasks that the students want to do to motivate the students. The students should be allowed to make their choices during learning so that they own the learning experience. The instructor should also provide a matching level of difficulty for students so that it won’t be too easy, leading to boredom, or too challenging that leads to anxiety. Lastly, the teacher should consider removing as many distractions as possible, so students are more focused and are provided with more time and fewer tasks.

This week’s learning has widened my view of how designing and creating online and multimedia learning plans are not that simple. There is more going on than what’s on the surface. Teachers could provide students with better learning experiences and outcomes based on simple theories.

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