Response to Google Infused Classroom

The article mainly talks about how social media is primarily considered as distraction at most educational institutions, but can be a significant tool to guide students toward more successful learning outcomes.

When I was in middle school, I moved to a closer location to campus for convenience. My temporary new home did not have any smartphones, computers, or wi-fi. So I was “offline” for almost 2 years. I didn’t like how it feels not to be online, but I have to admit I was able to learn better under that environment. My grades went up along the way, and I felt nothing was to distract me from school.

So, ever since middle school, I’ve always had this minor thought that social media is definitely a distraction for students, but after reading this article, I find that social media isn’t the source of this problem. The problem is that most schools don’t care or does not have enough funding to educate students how to use social media appropriately.

Overall, this subject is highly related to my field of study, computer science. Think about the movie Social Dilemma, the big social media companies do not care about the proper and humane way to design their software for customers, they only care about how long they spend on their apps to make more money. This means there needs to be help from school and parents to guide students how to use social media in a helpful way.

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